XX. "Méta" - Hungarian Folkmusic and Folkdance camp
2011. july. 2 -10
Instrument Instructors: violin: Salamon Beáta: - Magyarpalatka, Méhkerék Virágvölgyi Márta: - Szék (Zsuki, Dobos Károly Rőmer Ottó: - Bethlen, Szatmár Papp István „Gázsa”: - Szászcsávás viola: Nagy Zsolt: advanced, Papp Endre: beginners; bass: Mohácsy Albert; windinstruments: Cserta Balázs tangoharmonika: Bobár Zoltán Singer: dr. Németh Ferenc Dance: Strack Orsolya György Károly - Bonchida Prices: 24.850,- Ft 1 week’s instruction + accomodation in hall 23.100,- Ft 1 week’s instruction + accomodation in tents 4.050,- Ft 1 day’s instruction + accomodation in hall 3.550,- Ft 1 day’s instruction + accomodation in tent Dining prices: Lunch 700,-Ft / day Dinner 600,- Ft / day Check-In Time: 2010. june 15. Attendants not checked-in in time may be accomodated according actual number of participants! Children under 12 may only participate with adequate grounding (2-3 years) and parental accompaniment. Check-In Address: Tolnai Kata 2601 Vác, PO Box: 342; e-mail: metatabor2011@gmail.com Downloadable Entry-form: http://sites.google.com/site/metatabor/ Information: Tolnai Kata 06-30-63-79-360, or the e-mail address above. Accomodation in hall tents or private houses. If you would like to sleep in tent you will have to bring every equipment with you. If you would liker to sleep int he hall you have to notify us according to the limitance in space! You may accomodate in private houses (2.600 – 3.000,- Ft / night). Prices must be payed at arrival! We prefer to receive your registry via e-mail. Please enclose a self-addressed envelope if you are checking in via post. You are welcome! Organisers Méta |